While the other Dermaheal mesotherapy products also have positive influence on eyebags, this product offers a more targeted and streamlined solution. Injected into the area of the eyes, Dermaheal Eyebag Solution deals not only with the eyebags problem, directly, but has a beneficial effect on all the accompanying issues – wrinkles, dark circles, fat tissue deposit formation under the skin.
The factors that cause the formation of eyebags are many. Most common reasons are fatigue, sleep deprivation, stress. However, other notable culprits of this skin problem under the eyes are some illnesses, autoimmune conditions, environmental factors, diet and more. The end result is always the same though – swelling under the eyes (sometimes severe).
Para hacer frente a los síntomas mencionados, la mesoterapia Dermaheal Eyebag reduce la hinchazón real y prohíbe la obstrucción linfática, al tiempo que disuelve los tejidos grasos que puedan haberse acumulado en la zona. Además, mejora el estado general de la piel alrededor de los ojos y aborda directamente los problemas secundarios, resultado de las bolsas de los ojos, como las arrugas, el oscurecimiento del tono de la piel y la pérdida de humedad de la piel.
What is Dermaheal Eyebag Solution’s Secret?
As always with Dermaheal mesotherapy – it’s the peptides, with four being the main active ingredients:
- Tripeptide-41 / CG-Lipoxyn
- Nonapeptide-18 / CG-Formade
- Oligopeptide-61 / CG-Cellsolin
- Oligopeptide-73 / CG-EPG
The first one induces lipolysis and dissolves any unwanted fat tissues under the eyes. Second boosts skin rejuvenation, preventing wrinkle formation, and also has a beneficial influence over any undergoing inflammatory processes. The third one blocks adipogenesis – the formation of fat cells, and boosts the lipo effect. Last one reduces the effects of and shields the skin against environmental factors, especially sun ray.
Protocolo de inyección de Dermaheal Eyebag
El esquema de inyección recomendado es un frasco, una vez a la semana. El número de sesiones se determina por sus dermatólogos o cosmetólogos.