A-Jax Keen Sublime (1 x 1.1ml)


from 5 pcs.from 10 pcs.from 20 pcs.from 30 pcs.from 40 pcs.
38.43 37.2838.43 36.5138.43 34.5938.43 33.8238.43 33.05

A-Jax Keen Subline solves the dilemma of improving the facial oval contour or resolving skin problems related to severe volume loss, while remaining at a low price point. In fact, the Sublime dense filler is a perfect match for Rejeunesse Shape, but can also effectively substitute Revolax SubQ or Derma, when a stable thick HA based gel is needed for aesthetic corrections in areas of the face such as the chin, jawline and cheekbones.

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In order to be as effective as it is, A-Jax Keen Sublime is rigorously tested during development and takes advantage of such high-end processes, like HBCT (Hexagonal Block Crosslinking Technology), MGIT (Micro Grinding Irregular Technology) and HAMC (Hyaluronic Acid Moisture Correction).

  • HBCT – this method makes the HA gel structure more compact, in a hexagonal form, thus improving its overall stability and effectiveness, while also slowing down the natural process of dissolving in the body.
  • HAMC – works in conjuction with the previous tech, taking advantage of the Hyaluronic acid’s water retention properties and helps the contour gel, which is the end product, to be more resilient to the body’s enzymes, thus prolonging the volumizing effect.
  • MGIT – Micro Grinding Irregular Technology allows for the gel to be applied with an even extrusion force, which allows it to be evenly and symmetrically applied. This improved control helps for the end result to look even more natural.

In regard to the last point, each box of A-Jax Keen Sublime contains one JBP needle and one JBP cannula – probably the top brand on the market. Overall, the process of applying this sculpting filler is as simplified as possible and it’s is one of the most effective solutions to contour the facial oval (especially the jawline), add accent on cheekbones, sculpt the chin and nose and, last but not least, help with severe volume loss of the cheeks, as well as fill the deepest forms of nasolabial folds and marionette lines.

Additional information

Weight 0.06 kg
Please, before using this product check the included product and documentation (leaflet, instruction, manual, back of the box information, etc.. Make sure you've acquainted yourself with all relevant information which regards usage, safety protocols, proper application, counterindications, possible adverse effects and/or any other details regarding the product which would allow for it's appropriate and safe usage. Ensure that you or the person using the product is not allergic to one or more of the ingredients (e.g. for products containing Lidocaine).

If you need a detailed ingredient list please request it HERE
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